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Enreach for Enterprises


It’s time to modernize talking and make it smarter, one conversation at a time. Enreach for Enterprises (formerly known as Benemen) is a one stop voice shop that offers the smartest voice technology on the market. Our goal is to modernize voice communication across enterprises by combining customer information and various communication channels into one controlled entity.

Enreach for Enterprises in numbers

Employees 70 + Employees
Years of experience 13 + Years of experience
Markets 3 + Markets

In a software-driven world of self-service, where digital channels are getting smarter by the day and volumes are going up, we believe that voice is the only channel where human emotions can be successfully expressed. Talking is a superior way to express yourself. It is interactive and simultaneous. The power of speech has not disappeared, nor even diminished. We talk to connect and to be understood. Smart communication technology supports these interactions and improves the discussions between companies and people allowing the speakers to focus on the essentials and succeed.


Enreach for Enterprises has developed and engineered its cloud-based software with only industry-leading components. We deliver voice to all terminals and context and enrich it with data. Our next generation intelligent voice technologies provide analytics, AI, voice, and telecom through one single enterprise cloud, breaking all communication silos. Our solutions’ scalability knows no limits and can be easily adapted to global use.


Our platform has proven its robustness over the past decade by the success stories of many of our customers, both big and small. It is the leading voice cloud in the Nordics with a unique offering in call routing and handling in any network or device. We are also a Global Salesforce ISV partner for voice and have integrated the voice channel to Salesforce Cloud. We also work closely with Microsoft and embed our solution for Microsoft Teams and Dynamics.

At Enreach for Enterprises, we believe strongly in teamwork. Every employee can contribute to the growth story of the company and give their best in an enthusiastic and encouraging working atmosphere.

Across Europe


Contact us, or set up a meeting, so we can get to know each other better.

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