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Dynamic Agent Desktop

Greet prospects by name and dive right into the call without wasting time on preliminaries

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Campaign Templates

Customize content

Outbound gives you the ability to intelligently collect Agent Desktop data and make the job more efficient for your sales agents.

  • Use rules to dynamically hide or display data fields

  • Make specific fields mandatory

  • Choose a required syntax based on the datatype

  • Prevent unauthorized editing of data

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Personalized Themes

Customize color

A long day in front of a screen can be hard on your eyes, and the colors on the screen can affect that.

We added themes to our Agent Desktop where you can choose between 3 beautiful layouts to find the best for you, because we know that the colors that work best are individual for each person.

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Customize code

Our revolutionary SmartHub feature allows you to integrate, automate and customize everything using your own custom code.

Write scripts in the built-in editor and execute them through event triggers that happen on your agents‘ screen, allowing for a completely customized workspace.