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We provide everything a business needs to communicate, whenever and wherever they need it.

Our products and services are used by thousands of businesses across the UK, bringing teams together and customers closer.

Enconvo in numbers

Years of experience 25 + Years of experience
Users 2 Million + Users
Employees 85 + Employees
Businesses Supported in the UK 5000 + Businesses Supported in the UK

What sets us apart from competitors is our totally bespoke solutions. After all, we recognise that no two businesses are the same, so they need a unique set up to work their magic. These solutions work to boost the productivity, relationships and service that our customers rely on, on a daily basis.

The way we work is as easy as pie. We meet our customers either via video call or at a face-to-face meeting so that we totally understand what they need. We then take a look at their existing costs, identifying efficiencies that can be used to supply a game-changing new solution that is sure to give their comms a well-earned boost. Finally, we roll everything into one monthly bill so that it's super simple and completely cost effective.


At Enconvo, we’re the total opposite of a faceless business. We have dedicated account managers for every single customer, no matter the size of their business. We have our own in-house communications engineers on hand to help and a 24/7 customer experience team in case of any hiccups.

In addition, we're led by some of the brightest minds in the UC industry, with over 2 decades of experience in telecoms. Focussing on providing the most innovative solutions and the best experience possible for our customers.


As part of the group, we're planning to grow our reach in the UK and become the 'go to' for SMEs in the new world of working. Whether they require some simple advice on how to best work remotely or need help setting up a unified communications solution across multiple sites – we're here for them.

Ultimately, we're on a mission to create best-in-class products and services, paired with an unbeatable customer experience. We offer our own cloud system, Enconvo Contact, as well as our award-winning desk phone HD Touch, proving that we truly have the products and the experience to ensure our customers can work wonders. 

Across Europe


Contact us, or set up a meeting, so we can get to know each other better.

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