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Communication policy

As part of our terms and conditions, Outbound and Flows by Enreach will send email communication to admin users of our products regarding the following:

  • Product Updates
  • Maintenance Communications
  • Product Guidance

Admin users are defined as a) users in Outbound by Enreach located at "top level" and b) users in Flows by Enreach defined as client admins. The communication and messages mentioned above will by default go out to these users with the following purpose:

  • As a data processor, Enreach want to make sure that any and all important product updates which could lead to new, improved and/or changed ways of utilising Outbound and Flows for lead management, is communicated to the customers as data controllers in order for them to have a full picture of the capabilities of the solutions
  • As a data processor and software provider, Enreach wants to make sure that any and all information which is critical for operations (incl. actions the customer may need to take in order to be able to continue using the service as-is), is received well at the customer and that important messages are not missed

If a user would like to opt-out of email communications, they must either contact the contract responsible person of their organisation or unsubscribe directly from the messages sent by Enreach.

Information about data processing, incl. how Enreach processes personal data can be found on this website by using the tabs to navigate to sub pages where e.g. the ISAE reports of Outbound and Flows by Enreach are stored. If answers cannot be found here or you need more information, you can contact our support line by writing