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CCS 2023
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Join Enreach at Cavell’s Cloud Comms Summit, London March 8

1 févr. 2023

Enreach is proud to announce its silver sponsorship to Cavell’s Cloud Comms summit event which takes place in London on March 8th.

Led by the theme: ‘The UCaaS business model has changed. Forever.’, the Summit will be filled with keynotes, panels, networking and discussions to deliver an insightful experience to service providers and vendors in the cloud communications industry.

Panel discussions

Our Chief Product Officer Martin Classen will deliver his insights of how the business model for cloud communications is undergoing an unprecedented shift in the digital age in the panel ‘The Changing Business Model for Cloud Communications' at 9:50 GTM

Topics such as: how companies are leveraging cloud technology for scalability, flexibility and agility, new cost-saving opportunities and enhanced CX will be discussed.

Iain Sinnott, Head of International Carriers at Enreach for Service Providers,will participate in the panel "Enabling mobility for the modern workforce" at 16:00 GTM

If you wish to meet Enreach and discover our mobile-first, whitelabel UC platform, our converged contact solutions and our ecosystem partners like Netaxis and Oracle, join us at the event in London on March 8th