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2024 predictions for the business communications market

Back to overview 10.01.2024

By Bertrand POURCELOT, CEO of Enreach For Service Providers

More than ever, the need to rely on high-performance, open and intuitive communications tools is becoming a strategic imperative for all professionals. In response to this growing market demand, the next few months should see a significant increase in the number of new-generation communication solutions that will enable businesses to streamline their communication processes, improve operational efficiency and enable their teams to use tools that offer them unrivalled working comfort on a daily basis. Here are 4 key trends to watch.

Towards greater integration of unified communications and the customer and user experience

Since the Covid crisis, the way we interact and communicate, both internally and externally, has changed considerably. In terms of the tools used, a clear expectation has emerged for both internal and external communications: the quality of the user experience. The boundaries between internal and external communications are evolving and starting to disappear (particularly for SMEs). Greater integration between unified communications and the user or customer experience is therefore a sustainable trend that will continue to develop in 2024.

The need to combine communications solutions with business applications

Unified communications tools, business management solutions (ERP CRM, invoicing, ticketing, etc.) and call centres can no longer operate in silos. It is now essential that these two worlds can be seamlessly integrated, so that users can use their day-to-day tools to access valuable information about their customers or partners from a single point, without the need for complex manipulations. Here again, the experience will be improved, enabling end users to work more efficiently and effectively.

The rise of Analytics and AI

In the midst of a digital transformation, businesses will be able to integrate communications into their business processes and extract lots of data and information. We are therefore entering a new era of learning, which will enable the creation of new use cases improving the quality and productivity of workforces, whether in customer relations, sales management or other areas. Eventually, AI will make it possible, for example, to generate summaries automatically following conversations, to propose answers in order to improve efficiency, and so on. 

Mobility at the heart of all communications thanks to fixed-mobile convergence

The smartphone is now the key element for all kinds of communications. It integrates all the features needed to communicate fully: voice, applications, services, Information System (IS) connections, data feedback to generate statistics, etc. The mobile-first approach is therefore at the heart of digital transformation, and continues to be acclaimed by businesses looking for agility, quality of user experience and performance.

+ What are the key trends expected in the business communications market for 2024?

The key trends include greater integration of unified communications with user and customer experiences, the necessity for seamless integration of communication solutions with business applications, the rise of analytics and AI in communication processes, and a focus on mobility through fixed-mobile convergence.

+ How has the Covid crisis influenced business communication practices?

The Covid crisis has significantly changed how businesses interact, leading to heightened expectations for user experience in both internal and external communications. This shift has blurred the lines between these communication types, prompting a demand for more integrated solutions.

+ Why is integration between communication tools and business applications important?

Integration is crucial because it allows users to access essential customer and partner information from a single platform, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in their daily operations. This eliminates the need for complex processes and improves overall user experience.

+ What role will AI play in business communications in 2024?

AI is expected to enhance communication processes by enabling businesses to analyze data, automate tasks such as generating conversation summaries, and provide intelligent responses. This will improve workforce productivity and the quality of customer interactions.

+ How is mobility impacting business communications?

Mobility is central to modern communication strategies, with smartphones serving as the primary tool for various communication needs. A mobile-first approach is essential for businesses seeking agility, improved user experience, and enhanced performance.

+ What should businesses focus on to improve their communication strategies in 2024?

Businesses should prioritize adopting integrated communication solutions, leveraging AI and analytics for data-driven insights, and ensuring that their communication tools are mobile-friendly to meet the evolving demands of their teams and customers.