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Centile Takes Reseller Value to the Next Level

Back to overview 06.05.2019

Through its Platform as a Service, Centile allows customers to develop, run, and manage service plans under their own contracts  

Centile UK Director, Justin Hamilton-Martin, started the interview off by saying “It’s all about driving resellers’ business value.” By the end, I understood Centile would do everything in its power to help resellers who want to promote their own brand using ISTRA Connect’s PaaS application. 

When considering UK market expansion, Centile found the UCaaS service provider marketplace to be over-saturated with resellers struggling to make a margin. Hamilton-Martin said they, as a result, saw an opportunity for growth in the reseller community. With ISTRA Cloud PBX as a PaaS offering, Centile gives resellers full management of their service plans, while Centile handles maintenance. 

This eliminates expensive engineers who monitor servers, network security, patching, backup, and other time-consuming day-to-day tasks. Resellers are therefore in charge of a simple configuration process, along with support, and training their enterprise customers. 

Addressing challenges in the current landscape 

Hamilton-Martin explained what he sees as a problem in the current landscape. “There are too many similar BroadSoft options. This has led to tension in the market and pressure on price.” As a result, the revenue resellers earn from UCaaS becomes limited to the licenses they sell per user and call bundles. 

Centile ISTRA as a PaaS offering solves this by enabling resellers to bundle service plans as they see fit. Resellers also own end-user contracts, which opens a flood gate of possibilities such as generating revenue from mobile offerings. They can promote their own brand, and service plans through ISTRA, increasing revenue and overall business value. 

If you have a Cloud PBX, it should have Full Mobile Convergence functionalities, not just mobile app management. Such limitations come with challenges, one of which is poor connectivity. ISTRA as a PaaS offering extends FMC capabilities to resellers, providing them with a strong mobile proposition. Justin Hamilton-Martin said: 

“Those who are already successful selling Cloud PBX/UCaaS in volume should look at the Centile PaaS platform. We can pass the value form service providers who currently get the revenue and put it in reseller’s pockets”  

“We are helping resellers who want to go up in the value proposition chain, but don’t want to take on managing a data center. We’re opening up the market to that community.” 

Driving the customer experience 

As providers strive to enhance CX, they want to do everything they can to ensure the most optimal outcome for customers. What Centile succeeds in is giving resellers more support control over CX. They can dive deep into service issues, rather than escalating to service providers to understand the problem. 

Along with the ability to create a single bill, manage plans in one place, and configure offerings from the same platform, Centile is streamlining the time it takes to go-to-market and to make a profit. They are effectively ridding resellers of traditional barriers of entry, like complexity, cost, and scale. 

It is this value Centile brings to resellers, which would make anyone looking to increase their profits sign up. 

+ What is Centile's Platform as a Service (PaaS) and how does it benefit resellers?

Centile's PaaS allows resellers to develop, run, and manage their own service plans under their own contracts, enabling them to promote their brand while Centile handles maintenance and technical tasks.

+ How does Centile address the challenges faced by resellers in the UCaaS market?

Centile provides a unique offering with ISTRA Cloud PBX, allowing resellers to bundle service plans and own end-user contracts, which helps them generate additional revenue and enhances their business value.

+ What are the advantages of using Centile's ISTRA platform for mobile offerings?

The ISTRA platform extends Full Mobile Convergence (FMC) capabilities to resellers, providing a strong mobile proposition and addressing connectivity issues that may arise with limited mobile app management.

+ How does Centile support resellers in enhancing customer experience (CX)?

Centile empowers resellers with greater control over CX by allowing them to manage service issues directly, create single bills, and configure offerings from one platform, streamlining the go-to-market process.

+ What types of revenue opportunities does Centile create for resellers?

By enabling resellers to bundle service plans and own end-user contracts, Centile opens up opportunities for generating revenue from mobile offerings and other value-added services.

+ Who should consider using Centile's PaaS platform?

Resellers who are already successful in selling Cloud PBX/UCaaS in volume and are looking to enhance their value proposition without managing a data center should consider Centile's PaaS platform.