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Channel Market a Big Target for Centile and Swyx

Back to overview 29.05.2019

Get all of the latest information of Centile's ISTRA platform in this video interview.  

The team from Centile join us for this video, filmed at UC EXPO, to discuss its latest announcements. UC Today were media partners for UC EXPO 2019, the UK's biggest communication and customer experience focused event, to bring you interviews with all the industry's biggest names.  

Presenter Patrick is joined by Bertrand Pourcelot, Managing Director at Centile and then by Justin Hamilton-Martin, Centile UK Director.  

Patrick initially speaks to Bertrand about the progress of the Within Reach Group and its constituent parts with the various European markets that it is active within.  

Bertrand tells Patrick that they are promoting Centile's ISTRA Connect platform, which provides partners with solutions allowing them to offer unified communications and fixed-mobile convergence, FMC, services to customers of all sizes.  

Bertrand also reveals a few now announcements in terms of the Swyx product portfolio. Justin then joins Patrick to discuss the UK market specifically. ISTRA Connect is a combination of solutions drawn from both Swyx and Centile and will provide a channel only platform as a service offering, as Justin explains.  

Justin also highlights the benefits of overlapping solutions from both Swyx and Centile, as some of Centile cloud native solutions are proving of great interest to Swyx partners. Watch at your desk, whilst on your commute, or on the sun lounger, UC Today provides bite size videos, bringing you all of the latest communication and collaboration news. Rate, review, share on YouTube and join the conversation on LinkedIn, Twitter and email.  

Presenter Patrick Watson with Bertrand Pourcelot and Justin Hamilton-Martin from Centile.