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listen to Iain Sinnott podcast with Telecom resellers & CCA

Opportunity to cooperate with hyperscalers to bring a broader solution to the market that appeals to all types of workers

Back to overview 09.11.2022

“The end game is to deliver great outcomes for the end users,” says Iain Sinnott, Enreach for Service Providers’ Head of International Carrier Sales. “They (the end users) pay everyone’s wages.”

In this podcast, Sinnott begins with that basic foundational observation and builds out the case that everything the community of carriers, service providers and developers do, ultimately must come back to the customers, whose needs must be met and whose payment of fees and charges, basically pays (and justifies) the whole industry. Sinnott argues that OTT players such as Microsoft have penetrated the SMB market, but don’t always match the requirements of the whole workforce. Service providers have the opportunity to cooperate with hyperscalers to bring a broader solution to the market that appeal to all types of workers. For this, in turn, they need a strong partner that enables them to differentiate, while offering a real partnership approach.

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Source Telecom Reseller
Source Cloud Comms Alliance

+ What is the main goal of cooperation between service providers and hyperscalers?

The primary goal is to deliver exceptional outcomes for end users by creating comprehensive solutions that cater to the diverse needs of all types of workers.

+ Who are the key players mentioned in the discussion?

The key players include carriers, service providers, developers, and hyperscalers like Microsoft, all of whom play a role in meeting customer needs in the market.

+ Why is it important to focus on end users?

Focusing on end users is crucial because their satisfaction drives the entire industry; their payments support the wages of everyone involved in the service ecosystem.

+ How have OTT players like Microsoft impacted the SMB market?

OTT players have made significant inroads into the SMB market, but they may not fully address the varied requirements of the entire workforce, creating an opportunity for service providers.

+ What do service providers need to successfully collaborate with hyperscalers?

Service providers need strong partnerships that allow them to differentiate their offerings while adopting a genuine partnership approach to meet market demands effectively.

+ What is the ultimate outcome desired from these collaborations?

The ultimate outcome is to create solutions that not only meet the needs of end users but also enhance the overall service experience across the industry.