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HP announces the certification of new Poly terminals by Enreach for Service Providers

11 avr. 2024

Poly Edge E desk phones are now certified by Enreach for Service Providers and integrated into the Enreach UP platform 

Meudon-sur-Seine and Nice, France, April 11 2024 – HP and Enreach for Service Providers, the European leader in converged contact solutions, announce the evolution of their long-term partnership through the certification of the Poly Edge E range and the integration of these terminals into the Enreach UP platform. Designed for hybrid and customizable work, the certified Poly phone range is available through HP's network of integrator, reseller and operator partners.

As a leader in collaboration solutions, Poly's new Poly Edge E range offers desktop phones designed to enhance the user experience. Specially designed for hybrid work, these devices feature NFC, Bluetooth®, Poly NoiseBlock AI and Poly Accoustic Fence technologies. These allow the synchronization of mobile phone contacts, dialing and answering from the office phone, or automatic pairing with headphones to benefit from HD sound quality and advanced ambient noise blocking features. They are also fully customizable, with a simplified interface for configuring keys and displays. Finally, they include embedded support tools to assist remote diagnosis and troubleshooting.

Thanks to this long-term partnership between Enreach for Service Providers and Poly, all new certified Poly devices are now available for download from PartnerConnect website, and are regularly updated to keep track of device lifecycles. The deployment of these workstations is also simplified and automated through the integration of Poly's "Zero Touch Provisioning" service.

"This evolving collaboration between Enreach for Service Providers and HP will enable the entire network of Enreach for Service Providers partners to take advantage of Poly's innovations and benefit from an even more efficient hybrid work experience," states Fabrice Berthelot, Sales Director, Poly France.

According to Robert Urban, Director Global Sales & Marketing, Enreach for Service Providers, "We're delighted to further enhance our partnership with Poly.  The integration of the Poly Edge E range of desktop phones with our customizable by design "Enreach UP" platform enables end-users to take full advantage of unified communications features, whether they work remotely or in hybrid mode, empowering productivity and collaborative working".

About Enreach for Service Providers

Enreach for Services Providers is a European leader in converged contact solutions. Our mission is to create customisable mobile-first contact solutions, enabling our partners to thrive and users to transform their interactions.

Our platform “Enreach UP” enables service providers and integrators to deliver their business customers with value-added services, including FMC, video collaboration, messaging, inbound call centre functionality and conversational bots, seamlessly integrated with mobile services, Microsoft Teams, CRM and ERP systems. Our customisable-by-design platform "Enreach UP" enables full white-labelling, personalised user experience, BYOx enablement (Carrier, OSS/BSS/mobile), APIs for integration, automation & AI as well as multiple deployment options including PaaS.

Enreach group operates in over 25 countries and counts more than 1,000 employees. For more information visit:


Media Contact

Enreach for Service Providers
Karine Merouze
Marketing & Communication Lead
Tel. : +33 6 87 46 61 14